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This school in Diepsloot, just outside Johannesburg was a project with Engen. This was one of the latest makeovers I helped with.  You can see everyone likes to get involved so I do a lot of the drawings and others fill it in so the end result is not as perfect as I would like, but a whole lot better than the original. The first pictures are of the “neighbours” and this particular “School” looked much like that, with no plumbing, before Jam found someone to donate money to upgrade.

The upgrade depends on the amount of cash.  I’ve done some that are fabulous – overseas investors.  This is a quick one but wanted to show you the classroom.  So makeshift, but they love it.  The lady in green is the Mam or Principal.  This is in Diepsloot – a really poor township area and one of the more dangerous, crime-ridden areas.

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